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Faculty and Staff Resources

  • Updating Your Profile
  • Department Email Lists: (for current and emeriti tenure-track faculty and non-tenure-track faculty), (for all active full-time faculty), (for current graduate students), (for current and past graduate students).
  • Faculty Meeting Minutes [opens GoogleDoc folder]
  • For Room Reservation Requests – email Savannah Wade (

The university prohibits discrimination and harassment based on several protected statuses; see the Equal Opportunity, Non-Discrimination and Affirmative Action Policy (POL 04.25.05 ). All members of the department should report issues or concerns (either on behalf of themselves or on behalf of individuals who have approached them) to the Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity (OIED) so that the OIED may respond as appropriate. Even if the OIED does not find a policy violation in response to a single report, the OIED will keep a record of all reports; a pattern of complaints may lead to future corrective action, even if an initial complaint did not.

Confidentiality : Students, staff, or faculty wishing to make a complaint (the Complainant) may not always be guaranteed confidentiality when reporting to the OIED. Individuals may also consult confidential resources to address concerns.

Self Reporting : Students, staff, or faculty wishing to make a formal complaint regarding discrimination, harassment, and retaliation should directly report an issue to the OIED . An individual may report anonymously to the OIED. If an anonymous reporter does not provide sufficient detail, the OIED may be limited on how they can respond to the report. Individuals may report to the OIED and request anonymity as well, although as previously mentioned, this may limit the university’s ability to respond. Individuals may contact the OIED before submitting a report, if they have any questions about the process. If, once the report is filed with the OIED, the report would be more  appropriately addressed by another office, the OIED will refer the report to that office.

Reporting to Responsible Employees : Students, staff, or faculty may also approach Responsible Employees, who have been given the duty of reporting incidents of sex discrimination or any other misconduct, to the Title IX coordinator or other appropriate school designee. All faculty instructors in the deparment are “Responsible Employees.”

Reporting to Other Employees : Faculty, staff, or other employees who are not designated as Responsible Employees might receive a report from an individual. These employees should discuss with the individual whether or not they would like a report to be submitted. The employee should be aware that students, staff, and faculty may not be familiar with university policies on reporting and therefore might not explicitly identify themselves as a Complainant or explicitly state an intention to file a formal complaint. The employee should either discuss how the individual may submit a report themselves or how the employee can submit a report on their behalf. Any employee receiving a report should contact the OIED if they have any questions about the reporting and resolution process.

In most cases, the OIED will ask the reporting individual if they would like to file a formal complaint. University policy prohibits retaliation against Complainants; see Equal Opportunity, Non-Discrimination and Affirmative Action Policy (POL 04.25.05) and Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy (POL 04.25.07 ). Individuals who are concerned about retaliation should address these concerns with the OIED as part of the process of deciding whether or not to pursue the report. In some cases, the OIED may be required to review the issue, even if an individual decides not to pursue the report further, due to the severity of the issue, whether there is history beyond what the Complainant may be aware of, or if OIED has additional information where the Complainant need not be involved.

Bias Impact Response Team Syllabus Long Description

The OIED Bias Impact Response team (BIRT) envisions NC State as a proactive, restorative, equitable, and inclusive community that equips students, faculty and staff to engage across differences in dignifying and meaningful ways. The team offers a system and processes that invites students, faculty and staff to document and proactively address the impacts of bias-related incidents, behaviors, and actions. BIRT supports involved individuals and groups and recommends restorative and educational options for responding to individual, collective, and institutional impacts. To learn more or to submit a report, please visit or email

Bias Impact Response Team Syllabus Short Description

The OIED Bias Impact Response team offers a system and processes that invites NC State students, faculty and staff to document and proactively address the impacts of bias-related incidents, behaviors, and actions. To learn more or to submit a report, please visit or email