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History (B.A.): Teacher Education

The Teacher Education Concentration is a track to a B.A. in History that includes the specific history and social science courses recommended for eventual Social Studies teachers in North Carolina. Students take the regular undergraduate requirements, but also can use free electives to begin graduate Education classes. Students graduating with a 3.5 GPA may count some of the credits from their senior year for an additional year in graduate school in the College of Education, leading to the Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) degree. Professional education courses, and the student teaching experience in a high school, are part of the graduate portion of the program, leading to eligibility for North Carolina certification to teach Social Studies in secondary schools in North Carolina and most other states. This accelerated program is designed to be a five-year track from freshman to the M.A.T. degree.

Holders of the M.A.T. are more competitive in the teacher job market. Recent M.A.T. graduates from NC State have a 100 percent job placement rate into the profession. The national trend in new standards for curriculum and student learning emphasizes content, and the B.A. in History provides a strong foundation of historical and social science content. The coursework in the College of Education makes a student better prepared in educational theory and actual teaching practice. The M.A.T. program provides the training to excel in the new Teacher Performance Assessment for professional licensure.

Core History Courses

  • Early and modern American History survey courses (HI 251 or 253, and 252 or 254).
  • Both World History survey courses (HI 232 and 233).
  • A survey course on European history and one on the history of Asia, Africa, or Latin America.
  • History Methods and Writing (HI 300) – A course to introduce the methods and skills of historical research and writing. Advised to be taken before any advanced electives.
  • The Senior Seminar (HI 491) – A small seminar as a capstone research and writing experience for seniors. We offer a variety of focused topics each semester.
  • The remaining four history courses in the major must be beyond introductory (200) level, with at least three of them being Advanced Electives (400-level classes). Students may choose any courses, and perhaps build an area of focus with their selections.
  • In addition to History, specific social science courses in Political Science, Economics, and Behavioral Sciences.

General Education

  • History majors satisfy the College’s general education requirements with courses need for Social Studies certification, and the University requirements of the General Education Program. Discuss your requirements and selections with your adviser.
  • Complete list of degree requirements ( the new 2023 requirements will display in August, 2023)
  • Typical 8-semester plan of study

Free Electives and Planning for the MAT

The degree plan allows 21 hours of free electives for a total of 120 credit hours to graduate. In the remaining free electives, students should reserve nine hours to begin taking graduate courses in Education during the senior year. It is partly this “head start” which allows students to complete both degrees in only five years.

Application to the Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s program

  • To be accepted by the Graduate School into the ABM program and “double-count” courses from the senior year, students must graduate with a 3.5 GPA.
  • You must apply to the Graduate School and to the ABM program in the College of Education once you have earned 75 credit hours. A Plan of Work will be set in consultation with your History adviser and the adviser from the College of Education.
  • For more detail on the Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s program, refer to the College of Education website.