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History (B.A.)

Core History Courses

  • Four introductory history courses to satisfy requirements for geographical breadth, with a course in each of four groups: world history, history of Asia or Africa or Latin America, European history, and American history. This also satisfies the College requirements for general education in history.
  • History Methods and Writing (HI 300) – A sophomore course to introduce the methods and skills of historical research and writing. Advised to be taken before any advanced electives.
  • The Senior Seminar (HI 491) – A small seminar as a capstone research and writing experience for seniors. We offer a variety of focused topics each semester.
  • The six remaining courses in the major must be beyond the introductory (200) level, with at least three courses (for students entering as of 2018) being Advanced Electives (400-level classes). Students may choose any topics, and perhaps build a focus of study with their selections.

Free Electives

  • The degree plan includes 30 credit hours of Free Electives, letting students select courses to build general knowledge, a specialty, or a Minor.

General Education

  • History majors satisfy the college’s general education requirements and the university’s General Education Program. Discuss your requirements and selections with your adviser.
  • Complete list of degree requirements 
  • Typical 8-semester plan of study