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Accelerated Bachelor’s / Master’s Program

The Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s (ABM) degree program allows exceptional undergraduate History majors at NC State an opportunity to complete the requirements for both the bachelor’s and master’s degrees at an accelerated pace. If accepted into the ABM program, these students may double count up to 12 graduate-level credits and obtain a thesis-based master’s degree within 12 to 18 months of completing the bachelor’s degree.

Criteria for Admission to the ABM Program

Permission to pursue an ABM degree program does not guarantee admission to the Graduate School. Admission is contingent on meeting the following eligibility requirements at the time of entering the graduate program.

  • Students must have completed a minimum of 75 credit hours in their undergraduate programs, including credits earned from advanced placement.
  • Transfer students must have completed a minimum of 2 semesters as a full-time student at NC State, a minimum of 24 hours.
  • Students must have a minimum accumulated grade point average (GPA) of 3.5/4.0 at NC State at the time of admission into the ABM degree program. The History Department recommends a minimum major GPA of 3.7/4.0.

Applying to the ABM Program

  • Spring of junior year: A student who meets the eligibility requirements must begin the planning process in the spring semester of the year before he or she intends to complete the bachelor’s degree. The student must meet with the Director of Undergraduate Programs and then with the Director of Graduate Programs to develop plans of work for his/her bachelor’s and master’s degree programs (The prospective student will be given a copy of these guidelines). The student should consult the sample schedule of graduate coursework. At this point, the student should also consider his or her historical interests and identify potential advisers and potential master’s thesis topics. The student must secure the approval of the Director of Undergraduate Programs and the Director of Graduate Programs on the draft ABM Plan of Graduate Work by May 1 of the year before he or she intends to complete the bachelor’s degree. The Director of Undergraduate Programs will hold the ABM Plan of Graduate Work until it is submitted to the Graduate School the following semester.
  • The ABM Plan of Graduate Work must indicate:
    • The courses (a maximum of 12 graduate credit hours at the 500 level) that will be double counted for both bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Students must receive a grade of B (3.0) or better in the double-counted graduate level courses. Courses with a grade of B- or below cannot be double counted between the two degrees;
    • The graduate courses (a maximum of 6 additional credit hours at the 500 level) that are taken as an undergraduate student at North Carolina State University and that will not be counted towards the bachelor’s degree;
    • The courses that will be taken after matriculating into the graduate program; and
    • The graduation date for the master’s degree. This date must be within 24 months of completing the bachelor’s degree.
  • Fall of Senior Year: After the student receives History Department plan approval, in the fall of the year he/she intends to complete the bachelor’s degree, he/she must submit the standard application for admission to the Graduate School including:
    • An application;
    • Application fee;
    • A copy of all transcripts;
    • Three letters of recommendation;
    • A personal statement; and
    • A ten-page writing sample.
  • The student informs the Director of Graduate Programs of the application and the DGP then submits the ABM Plan of Graduate Work (revised, if necessary) to the Graduate School with the signatures of the Director of Undergraduate Programs and the Director of Graduate Programs.
  • Fall of Senior Year: The student may apply for a teaching assistantship for the year after he or she completes the bachelor’s degree by indicating his or her interest in funding on the application submitted to the Graduate School.
  • Spring of Senior Year: The History Department’s Graduate Committee, comprised of the Director of Graduate Programs and designated faculty, will review the proposed ABM Plan of Graduate Work and application materials. After consideration of the student’s potential for success in the program, they will make a recommendation to NC State’s Graduate School of acceptance or denial into the History Department’s ABM program.
  • Spring of Senior Year: The Graduate School, upon review of the materials submitted by the Director of Undergraduate Programs and the Director of Graduate Programs, will issue a letter of acceptance (or denial) to the master’s program, contingent on meeting the ABM requirements, to the student with a copy to the Director of Undergraduate Programs and the Director of Graduate Programs.

Requirements for Participation and Graduation

  • Students must complete the bachelor’s degree prior to entering the master’s program. Students in the ABM may not elect to bypass the bachelor’s degree.
  • Students must receive a grade of B (3.0) or better in the double-counted graduate level courses. Courses with a grade of B- or below cannot be double counted between the two degrees.
  • No more than 12 hours of graduate work may be counted towards the requirements of both degrees.
  • Students must complete the master’s degree within 24 months of completing the bachelor’s degree. If the master’s program is not completed within these time limits, none of the courses can be double counted.

Withdrawal and Ineligibility

  • A student may at any time withdraw from an approved ABM program by informing the Director of Undergraduate Programs and the Director of Graduate Programs in writing. The Director of Graduate Programs forwards a copy to the Graduate School.
  • If a student completes the bachelor’s degree requirements with a cumulative GPA of less than 3.5/4.0, then he/she is no longer eligible to pursue the ABM program.
  • Any changes to the courses (a maximum of 12 graduate credit hours) that will be double counted for both bachelor’s and master’s degrees or the graduate courses (a maximum of 6 additional graduate credit hours) that are taken as an undergraduate student at NC State and that will not be counted towards the bachelor’s degree must be approved by the Director of Undergraduate Programs and the Director of Graduate Programs and submitted in writing to and approved by the Dean of the Graduate School.
  • It is the responsibility of the student to recognize his/her eligibility status. If a student becomes ineligible to participate in the ABM degree program, the Director of Graduate Programs will inform the student in writing of his/her ineligibility. The Director of Graduate Programs forwards a copy to the Graduate School.
  • A student who is ineligible to participate in (or withdraws from) the ABM program cannot double count any courses for both the bachelor’s and master’s degrees.