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Aug 1, 2018

Exploring Public History in Prague

With the city of Prague as their classroom, a group of NC State students experienced the power of public history. During a two-week summer course in the Czech Republic, six students visited medieval monuments, a concentration camp and nearly a dozen other sites in and around the capital city. 

May 29, 2018

Student’s Art History Research Leads to Museums, Galleries Abroad

Kyle Canter's research on the German photographer Wilhelm von Gloeden has led him to museums, galleries and archives in the United States and Europe. 

Oct 11, 2017

Class Trip Explores People’s History of Civil Rights

History comes alive for students in NC State’s popular History and Memory course. Professor Katherine Mellen Charron recounts lessons learned on a recent class trip to historic sites in the ongoing struggle for African-American civil rights in North Carolina. 

Sep 12, 2016

NC State Faculty, Students Unearth Ancient Mythological Statues

A team of NC State faculty and students helped unearth more clues this summer about the ancient Nabataean city of Petra, Jordan. As part of a larger excavation at the site, the group discovered two marble statues of the mythological goddess Aphrodite — artifacts that dig co-director Tom Parker describes as “absolutely exquisite.” 

May 1, 2016

Undergrad Combines Majors, Presents Research across U.S.

Tori Williams has been busy this spring. Already consumed by her duties as a University Scholar, tutor and double-major in history and biological sciences, Williams added multiple presentations at conferences across the nation to her hectic schedule in April. 

Mar 24, 2016

Grad Students Display Innovative Work at Research Symposium

The College of Humanities and Social Sciences was well represented Wednesday at the 2016 Graduate Student Research Symposium. A total of 43 Humanities and Social Sciences students from 14 different graduate programs presented their work at the annual symposium, which showcases research from across campus through poster presentations that are judged by faculty. 

Feb 25, 2016

Professor Helps N.C. County Interpret Connection to Underground Railroad

NC State University historian David Zonderman has spent the past three years helping Halifax County interpret its deep connection to the Underground Railroad. After performing humanities extension work with the local school system for more than a decade, Zonderman engaged with the Halifax County Convention and Visitors Bureau to develop a plan for conveying the county’s rich history to the public. 

Feb 22, 2016

Chancellor Serves as Land Grant Historian

NC State Chancellor Randy Woodson returned to his teaching roots to offer his perspectives on the past, present and future of U.S. land grant universities to students taking U.S. Agricultural History. 

Feb 16, 2016

An Internship That’s All Business

Kelsey Schmitz, a junior majoring in anthropology and history, has interned for two years at Quintiles, an international clinical research company. Learn how her internship has helped her build her skills and her confidence. 

Dec 21, 2015

Year in Review: Top Humanities and Social Sciences Stories of 2015

As another year comes to an end, take a look back at some of our favorite stories from 2015. This snapshot of the innovative and purposeful work that stems from our students, faculty, alumni and friends, underscores a fact that's clearer now than ever: the humanities and social sciences are not just relevant to solving the problems of the 21st Century, they are essential.