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Back to Back Graduation and Dissertation Publication for Public History PhD alum, Petros Apostolopoulos, ’22

We are pleased to announce that the dissertation of Public History PhD alum Petros Apostolopoulos, ’22 will be published by DeGruyter in 2023 with the title From Consumers to Producers of History: The Production of Historical Knowledge on Wikipedia.

Petros graduated in summer 2022 and participated in our December graduation ceremony. He is currently a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Digital History and Historiography at the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History C²DH at the University of Luxembourg. He works on the LuxTIME project, in which he collaborates with the main stakeholders of historical data in Luxembourg (archives, libraries, museums, research institutions, governmental bodies, private associations) to build an interdisciplinary consortium for the analysis and interpretation of historical “big data.”