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History Students Shine During Graduate Education Week

Graduate Students in History and Public History took home several prizes for excellence in teaching and research during NC State’s Graduate Education Week (March 21-24).

Graduate Education Week was hosted by the NC State Graduate School. Scheduled events included professional development workshops, a Meet and Greet with the Graduate School Leadership Team, the Excellence in Graduate Teaching Awards Ceremony, and the annual Graduate Research Symposium. 

Awards for Excellence in Graduate Teaching

Mandy Benter (Public History alumna, M.A.) receives Excellence Award from Dean Grasso
Mandy Benter (Public History alumna, M.A.) receives Excellence Award from Dean Grasso
History M.A. student CJ Rice receives mentorship certificate from Dean Grasso
CJ Rice (History, M.A.) receives mentorship certificate from Dean Grasso

Public history alumna Mandy Benter won an award for Excellence in Classroom Teaching. This award recognizes students who “exemplified the University’s highest degree of teaching achievement in the classroom environment during 2015.” Mandy graduated with her M.A. in public history in May 2015. 

“Simply put, she is a natural teacher,” said Dr. Kat Charron, Mandy’s TA advisor.

Graduate students Carl Rice (History, M.A.) and Jordan Karlis (History, M.A.) were recognized for their excellence in mentorship, taking home certificates praising their work with undergraduate students. The 2015-2016 Teaching Excellence Committee stated that these graduate students “exemplified a positive impact on students beyond the classroom or laboratory in their programs during spring and/or fall 2015.” 

“I’m thrilled,” Dr. Julie Mell, CJ’s TA advisor said in reaction to his award. “CJ exemplifies the best of academic mentorship at any level of the profession,” she said. Dr. Megan Cherry, who nominated Jordan Karlis for the excellence in mentorship award, also noted her student’s exemplary work as a TA. “I’m very glad Jordan was recognize,” she said. “She was a great mentor to her students!”

The award ceremony took place on March 22 at the McKimmon Center. Dr. Maureen Grasso, Dean of the Graduate School, gave the opening remarks, and Dr. David Hinks, Dean of the College of Textiles, gave the special address. 

Graduate Research Symposium

More than 200 graduate students participated in the 11th annual Graduate Student Research Symposium held on March 23. Students presented their research before a panel of judges. Three winners were selected in each of the eight categories: Agricultural Science and Natural Resources, Design, Education, Engineering, Humanities, Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences and Management.

Public history students Sarah Soleim (Ph.D.) and Abby Jones (M.A.) won second place in the Humanities category for their presentation, “History á la Carte: Taking the Museum to the People.” 

Ross Anderson (History M.A.) and Rachel Jacobson (Public History M.A.) also presented their research at the symposium. 

Graduate Research Symposium Abstracts

Rachel Jacobson (Public History, M.A.), pictured alongside her advisor Dr. Matthew Booker, presents her poster at the symposium.
Rachel Jacobson (Public History, M.A.), pictured alongside her advisor Dr. Matthew Booker, presents her poster at the symposium.


Ross Anderson (History, M.A.), pictured alongside his advisor Dr. Julie Mell, presents his research at the symposium.
Ross Anderson (History, M.A.), pictured alongside his advisor Dr. Julie Mell, presents his research at the symposium.


Sarah Soleim (left) and Abigail Jones (right) present their poster at the symposium.
Sarah Soleim (left) and Abigail Jones (right) present their poster at the symposium.


Rachel Jacobson

