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Volunteer Efforts Recognized at HRM Awards Banquet

The History Department is proud to announce that Public History faculty member, Professor Craig Friend and Public History MA alum, Jason Norris ’17  both received awards at the recent annual volunteer banquet for the City of Raleigh’s Historic Resources and Museums (HRM) Program.

Dr. Craig Friend (far right) Received HRM Program Award

The City of Raleigh Historic Resources and Museums (HRM) Program ( falls under the Resources Division of the Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Resources Department. The HRM Program manages several historic sites in the city, promotes Raleigh history, and organizes events throughout the city focused on local history and culture. 

The HRM Advisory Board (HRMAB) ( was developed as a citizen advisory board to “promote, coordinate, and strengthen the advocacy and advancement of public programs within the Historic Resources and Museum Program to further the cultural development of the City of Raleigh.” 

Dr. Alicia McGill Presents Outstanding Group Project Award to Sam Mordecai

The NC State Department of History has had a close relationship with the HRM Program for several years. Many public history and history graduate students as well as undergraduate history majors and minors volunteer at HRM sites, public history students often complete their internships through the HRM Program, History Department faculty have served on the HRMAB, and many of our graduates have held or currently hold jobs with the HRM Program.

The HRM NC State University Graduate Research Student Program began in 2015. Through this partnership, the HRM Program funds a paid annual assistantship for a Public History graduate student. I am frequently reminded of these connections at HRMAB meetings and when I meet new HRM staff who graduated from NC State, but they became abundantly clear at the annual volunteer banquet which took place at Mordecai Historic Park on April 25, 2019. 

The following were in attendance at the 2019 Volunteer Banquet:

Troy Burton speaks at HRM Program Awards Banquet

— Troy Burton, Historic Resources and Museum Program Administrator is a Public History PhD Student

— Ernest Dollar, Director of the City of Raleigh Museum and M.T. Pope House Museum is a graduate of the Public History MA Program

Douglas Porter at HRM Program Awards Banquet

— Douglas Porter, Director of the HRM Program Historic Sites, is a graduate of the History BA and MA Program

— Josh Ingersoll, Historic Sites Manager is a graduate of the Public History MA Program

— Fran Hunter, Education Coordinator and Summer Camp Director, is a graduate of the Public History MA Program

— Craig Friend, Professor, NC State Department of History served on the inaugural HRM Advisory Board and won an award along with several other former HRMAB members (the Maclura Award) at the 2019 HRM Volunteer Banquet for being a founding member of the HRMAB. The Maclura Award is given every year to a volunteer or volunteers whose work within the HRM Program often goes unnoticed.

— Jason Norris, graduate of the Public History MA Program (2017) is currently a volunteer for the HRM Program and won the Patty Mordecai Award which is given every year to the volunteer who worked the most hours during the calendar year (in this case, 2018).

— Xavier Klonowski, graduate of the Public History MA Program (2018) started as a volunteer for the HRM Program Collections in summer 2018 and transitioned to paid staff in fall 2018.

— Joe Mobley, Emeritus Professor, NC State Department of History currently serves on the HRM Advisory Board

— Alicia McGill, Assistant Professor, NC State Department of History currently serves on the HRM Advisory Board and is a member of the Citizen Planning Committee for the Latta House and University Site Master Plan

Additional connections between the NC State Department of History and City of Raleigh HRM Program:
— Andre Taylor (Public History MA student) will serve as the HRM NC State University Graduate Research Assistant 2019-2020. He will be researching food history at several of Raleigh’s sites.
— Holly Smith (Public History PhD student) completed her internship for the Public History PhD program by working on the Dorothea Dix Collection in summer 2018.
— Ashley Parker (Public History MA student) was placed in an internship this year working on a joint project at Dorothea Dix Park with the Arts Office. This project and work was facilitated by the HRM Program.
Andre, Holly, and Ashley were or will be supervised by Ainsley Powell, Curator of Collections, for the HRM Program.
— Hanna Howard (Public History MA graduate 2019) was the HRM NC State University Graduate Research Assistant 2018-2019
— Leah Bullard (Public History MA graduate 2018) was the HRM NC State University Graduate Research Assistant 2017-2018
— Kate Bowers (Public History MA graduate 2017) was the HRM NC State University Graduate Research Assistant 2016-2017           
— Derek Huss (Public History MA graduate 2017) was the HRM NC State University Graduate Research Assistant 2015-2016