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Dr. Noah Strote Named 2017 Sherman Emerging Scholar

We are proud to announce Associate Professor Noah Strote was selected as the 2017 Sherman Emerging Scholar. He will present his lecture, “Uprooting Fascism: Germany and Western Democracy Since Hitler” at UNC Wilmington Warwick Center on Oct 11 at 7:30PM.

The Sherman Emerging Scholar Series

Since 2002, the UNC Wilmington History Department has hosted an annual lecture series established to honor two life-long learners and friends of the department, Virginia and Derrick Sherman. Each spring the department selection committee announces the topic of the upcoming lecture and conducts a national competition among junior scholars to select our Emerging Scholar. The chosen scholar visits the UNC Wilmington campus during the third week of October and delivers a major lecture on the Wednesday closest to United Nations Day. 

This year’s theme was “Democracy and Its Discontents in World History” and applicants were evaluated on the basis of scholarly accomplishment, relevance of the proposed talk to the year’s theme and evidence of ability in speaking before a diverse audience.

Upwards of 500-1000 people are expected to attend Strote’s talk and three eminent scholars, Susannah Heschel (Dartmouth), Claudia Koonz (Duke), and Michael Meng (Clemson) will be invited to respond. This address will subsequently be published by UNCW.

In addition to his lecture, Strote will also meet with undergraduate and graduate students, share his or her expertise with faculty members in history and related fields, and be available to the local media.

More information on the Sherman Emerging Scholar Series can be found on the UNCW website.